2020 CRM Report

Participate In Our 2020 CRM Report

GoldMine is about to conduct our 2020 CRM Report. If you participate you will be able to get access to this report for Free. Just prior to the end of the year we are planning on releasing our latest report taken across multiple industries, across multiple functions (job roles) and across multiple geographies. If you are willing to provide your insights, please follow the link below. When the study becomes available, you will receive an email with instructions on how to take this brief survey. Any information you provide to us will be anonymous and we will only be analyzing the bulk data aspects of our findings.

Sign Up – Be Alerted When The Survey Is Ready

Because CRM software is fundamental to the growth of the software industry as a whole and one of the most ubiquitous types of business software, it’s important to understand how businesses actually use this technology, and where CRMs could stand to improve in the coming years.

That’s why GoldMine will survey hundreds of CRM users, to get an overview of exactly how businesses find, buy, and use their CRM Software. Whether you’re a current CRM user, considering a CRM for your company, or a seller of CRM technology, you will find very valuable information in the conclusions of this report.