Engage Your Customers with GoldMine CRM Capabilities

Easy Module Access

With GoldMine web on your PC, tablet or smartphone you can easily access the key modules:

  • Activities: see your planned activities in list form and on a calendar –choose day/week/month displays.
  • Contacts: search and find key contacts by name or company – then click to see detail.
  • Opportunities: see your pipeline and forecasted Sales – drill down for detail and sort by column.
  • Cases: see pending Cases assigned to you – great for field users servicing customers.

Smartphone Click to Dial

When accessing GoldMine through our mobile responsive web client on your phone you can click the phone or email hyperlink to begin an interaction.

Quick Action Icons

With once click you can edit a contact, schedule and event for your calendar and activity list, schedule a forecasted sale to add to your pipeline, and complete an unscheduled item such as an incoming call.

Social Media Integration

Easy access to a contact’s Twitter feed, FaceBook page, and Linked in page to see what’s new – just make sure you copy and paste their ids into the fields on the contact record.

Google Map Pin Link

Click the map pin to open Google Maps to the location based on the active contact’s address. Then calculate directions as needed.

Custom Fields

Your users will see real-time information including custom fields that are set up by your administrator. GoldMine Web also validates any field with the validation lookup files you set up for proper reporting and less typing.

Your GoldMine CRM on your PC, tablet, or Smartphone

GoldMine Web provides real-time access to your GoldMine database and works as a complement to the Windows desktop client. Its mobile responsive design means you can use it on any device including Apple computers – for remote workers or users on the go. And because it is real time access, you don’t have to worry about data storage on the device and you get all the latest updated information… and create real time task for users back in the office. All it requires is web access to your database.